other stuff and life
date: 31/05/2022
as i'm writing this, it's almost 3 am, my sleep schedule is f'ed but it could be worse heheh, i've got that rush from the anxiety of my life, soon i'll be
working for the corpos, and i still have to take care of university, so it'll be hard to keep up with everything, but i'll do my best effort...
i've been toying with the idea to add more stuff to the page (yeah i know it's still barebones but i'm still working on it), as i've also gotten back into
reading my scratched and ripped up copy of 1984 and gone to gøøð ræds to update my reading of the book, i got the idea
to do a "books review" part of the page, similar to the music review section i have planned, as that'd add one more way for me to add some content for the
when i feel like (and when i finish a book, which is kinda a problem but the page would kinda push me to read more?)
i also thought of adding a small about me page, as i've seen some other pages do it, more so i liked a lot
¢ørq's about me, with the anime watchlist, hobbies and what not, so i'll try to work on it as it's rather small
to do, just a weekend's worth of effort at most
for what i have to do, implementing the art page is like 40% done as the pictures are now on the server (i think) and i just need to design and push a
simple art gallery design, the pictures will be in webp format as i want to rationalize my space in the neocities but you can always ask for some higher
quality pics, im happy to share them
as a final thought, i was checking other's people's designs and stuff (how i got to ¢ørq's for example), and i stumbled upon a neocities page that didn't
allow me to right click, and going further (literally pressing f12
), i've read the nastiest message about how "if i'm there i'm possibly a
thief and shouldn't be part of the community", which both gave me a gentle chuckle but also made me kinda pissed, as programming is possibly the most
communist thing imaginable (at least from the standpoint of pages like sŧæ¢ĸøv€rfłøw et al), code is one of the most shared things in the world and more so
with pages (and retro-like pages like the ones in neocities), people work together and form webrings, or ðıs¢ørd communities, or ır© chatrooms, or whatever
just to share their knowledge, how to format pages, how to center divs, all that stuff is a common part of "this community", so it made me feel sad seeing
someone who probably is so closed up on their idea of "community" that probably doesn't interact (or probably asks for money if they do) with other people
just because they've held that idea so up in the sky, \rant sorry for that, it just really pissed me off heheheh