welcome to the enð
this is my small page i'm planning to update overtime to keep me researching and trying stuff. i'm
kinda a jack-of-all-trades sort of guy so you'll see a lot of stuff sorted into at least 5 main categories:
→ ßłøg: where i'll just talk about general projects and random stuff that happens
→ ¢øðiŋg: where i'll write about what i code up, nothing specific for now heheheh
→ αrт: where i'll put the mambo jambo rambles about weird art-sy ways to make stuff, like for example, the wallpaper
→ mµ∫iℂ: where i'll just go into tangents about music i've been listening to and how weird and freaky it can be sometimes
→ Ⅼiŋĸ$: where i'll post random links of pages i find about and around
the page is oriented towards "responsive design", or rather, i made it the bare minimum to be able
to read this page in a galæxy nøte 3 or an ıphøne 5 without too many problems, also i'll try to keep
the scripts to the bare minimum so it's not as heavy, that means using rather modern things like
webp and viewport settings.
footnote: if you've been here before and don't notice anything different, make sure to refresh your cache (ctrl + f5 most of
the time) so your browser updates the things it didn't download umu.
Last blogpost: Feeling better
Last art project: Existance
Last music review: Moses Sumney's Græ (2020)
to-do list
· start the ¢øðiŋg section
· add more reviews to the mµ∫iℂ section
· start the Ⅼiŋĸ$ section
· start the boøĸ section?
· 17/10/2022 - 17/10/2022:
- New review!
- Nothing more to add really
· 18/08/2022 - 13/09/2022:
- added two ßłøgposts
- finished the αrт (for now 【0‿0】)
- started the mµ∫iℂ review section
· 26/07/2022 - 27/07/2022:
- added a blogpost
- added 70% of the gallery's pages
- improved a lil bit the index page
· 31/05/2022:
- added a blogpost
- implemented a landing page for the art gallery
- fixed small things in the blog and added imood
· 23/05/2022 - 27/05/2022:
- set up the blog and added two blog posts
- re-did design for more responsiveness
- added and then deleted extra stuff i don't need
· 18/05/2022:
- added testing stuff for blogs
· 12/05/2022 - 16/05/2022:
- fixed plenty of times the css
- edited buttons
- added basic landing page for blog
· 01/05/2022 - 10/05/2022:
- re-styling of the page
- added webring system
updated: 17/10/2022:1630